

  • IndustryE-Learning
  • Year founded2014
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About Us

Arukay is led by Ana Victoria Ricaurte, a woman who has been feted as one of the most innovative and energetic forces in Colombia and the wider Latin American world.

Her business is a curriculum teaching and learning system for schools that follows a child’s entire journey through the educational system. What it focuses on is computational thinking and coding that are related to challenges in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths).

This learning system is sold to schools, which acquires three services from Arukay: training for the teacher; the content and curriculum; and a teaching guide for teachers. Also available is a learning platform used by both teachers and students.

The whole point of Arukay is teach computational thinking all the way through a child’s educational journey. Ricaurte reckons that these skills are now just as important to a child as learning to add, subtract, read and write. According to her, many will go into jobs that do not actually exist today and the majority of the jobs in the future will require some form of programming and computational skills. ‘Computational thinking is not only for engineers; it is for everyone’ is a mantra she repeats a lot.

In total, Arukay has around eleven different programming languages and each year a child learns a different language. Among the programmes are junior scratch, scratch, Minecraft, JavaScript, HTML, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

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