Mental Canvas

Mental Canvas

  • IndustryComputer Software
  • Year founded2013
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About Us

Mental Canvas is a software company that is developing a new class of graphical-media-design system that lies between today’s 2D digital draw-and-paint systems and 3D computer-aided design systems, combining the ease and fluidity of sketching with expansive 3D capabilities. Using the Mental Canvas system, you can quickly draw out your ideas just as you imagined them in a new interactive and shareable media type. Similar to what the word processor has done for text or Photoshop has done for photography, Mental Canvas reimagines the sketch, imbuing it with new capabilities and bringing it fully into the digital age.

The core technology behind Mental Canvas was originally developed at Yale University by a research team led by founder Professor Julie Dorsey. They are currently building partnerships with major design, advertising, and media firms as well as publishers and tablet manufacturers.

  • 3D Navigation
  • Animation
  • Architecture
  • Digital
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